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Photograph of Aileen M Stackhouse

World events in 2019 precipitated a change in my creative practice and I began to seriously consider how that practice impacts on this Earth and humankind. Conversations with others who knew me indicated their bewilderment, in 2018 why did I decide to concentrate on one art form (bronze miniatures) and why should I move to another? Why do I believe that the changes made by one person will make a difference “it’s too late to change”.

The Covid 19 pandemic in 2020 and the following lockdowns meant I had a longer space of time to think how I change so . . .

No travel, no bronze casting, no buying new materials,

Use the materials I already have, re-use, use found objects. It has to be done . . .

I have come back to the drawing board.

☏ phone: 07541 325446
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